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Se afișează postările cu eticheta MOTORCYCLE. Afișați toate postările

luni, 6 mai 2024

Gas tank cover,H.D Sportster tank cover,Skull gas tank cover,Leather side bag for Sportster, Harley Davidson Sportster gas tank Skull cover

A few words, description,feelings,  sharing with you druing the hand creation of this  concept product:

It's ironic somehow, till now that obsesiv ideea off any kind of wrinkle comes on sight, has vanished and  It feelt  right, we add the leather, imagination goes wild, no restrictions,no stress in getting something wrong or stupid, just go wild, dive in it do what you're yes comand to your hands,bit by bit,step by step  as we go through on  this piece of gas tank cover and  saddlebag, somehow managing to covered in "mulky" leather and  turned into something that  has a message to send, a feel, a touch, an unspoken soul....

The leather saddlebag or leather side bag it fits only on H. D Sportster model,and it's  made from thick vegetable tanned leather, reinforced on the interior,that way will keep the initial shape for a very very long time, we provide 4 leather straps to attach the bag on the frame. 

Saddlebag that goes on the Sportster 1200 Xl , 883 and any Sportster model .

The cover is matching for the  Sporty 883 and 1200 model  the   2,4 US galon or 9 liter gas tank capacity 

more video here:

sâmbătă, 30 martie 2024

Harley Davidson Breakout 2019 custom leather seat


We are delighted and excited every time we are given the opportunity to take part in big, special, valuable projects, and this is one of them.

A special seat, a special design, built almost entirely, natural leather OEM nappa premium, in two colors, hand carved ... premium foam,all of the highest quality.

builder YzyFlow choppers

link with the Ride:

Încântați si entuziasmați de fiecare dată cînd ni se dă ocazia sa luăm parte la proiecte mari, deosebite, valoroase, iar acesta este unul din ele.

Un șezut aparte, un design deosebit,  construită aproape in întregime, piele naturala OEM nappa premium,in doua culori , ,gravura manuala... burete premium    toate de ceea mai buna calitate.

joi, 21 martie 2024

Yamaha Dragstar bobber,bobber solo seat.

 Comfortable, classy, elegantly!

Seating area 30 cm x 40 cm long

#bobbers #bobber #solosaddle #soloseat #leatherseats

luni, 1 ianuarie 2024

Honda CB 450 bobber racer 40-50's solo seat

 A three step post,A future saddle,simple classic style, for a Honda CB 450 Bobber racer, as a point of reference we started from an original Harley-Davidson KNUCKLEHEAD '30 seat pan, just much smaller, redesign,carefully to the dimension, re-dimension, proportion to fit properly on this project, a future saddle for a cute little bobber tastefully transformed (not by us ) in a Bobber racer...You'll see!

O postare în trei pași, o viitoare șa simplă în stil clasic, pentru o Honda CB 450 Bobber, ca punct de referință sa plecat de la un scaun original Harley-Davidson KNUCKLEHEAD '30, aceasta trebuia sa fie mult mai mică ca originala,asa că sa reproiectat atent dimensiunele , proporțiile pentru a se potrivi corect pe acest proiect, o viitoare șa pentru o Honda transformata cu gust(nu de noi) într-un bobber de curse in stilul anilor 40-50

In action my trustful helping hand "Frankie". Seat pan made from cold rolled 2mm steel sheet metal, for Honda CB450 bobber racer.
În acțiune "mâna mea dreaptă", ajutorul de încredere „Frankie”. Tăblia scaunului, realizat din tabla de otel laminata la rece de 2 mm, pentru Honda CB450 bobber racer.
Acu trei ani Frankie" era doar un formare, azi un utilaj complet funcțional :