duminică, 19 septembrie 2021

Peugeot 203-1951, Peugeot Custom fenders -Peugeot custom pickup- planishing

 Somehow I managed to bond together the second fender, clean up the welds and level'd. I used a hand held unit planishing hammer build in the house, low radius(100) for the back side and higher craw die(45) for the front... ready for the final weld.#tigwelding #tigwelded #peugeot203custom #tigweldingtips #hotrods #welding #customfenders #custompickup #sheetmetalshaping #hotrod #metalshaping #sheetmetalfab #sheetmetalwork

Peugeot 203-1951, Peugeot Custom fenders -Peugeot custom pickup- TIG welding

I have not worked with such large panels so far, for safety and for my peace of mind I left a space of at least 1 mm between the panels to avoid excessive expansions, deformation that could occur during the welding process and it worked.
T.I.G welding process, argon flow 2 l/ min, 2.6 mm thoriated Electrode , air cooled torched,.25-28 Amp
I'm glad I chose to weld them T.I.G and not oxy -gas. I will probably make a clip, focusing on the penetration of the back weld.

sâmbătă, 4 septembrie 2021

Peugeot 203-1951, Peugeot Custom fenders -Peugeot custom pickup .5

 stage 5- completing the  fender spine" and patching here and there. as you can see, not only does widen but it also rises (at the bottom). another 200 hours and we were finishing the second fender.

luni, 30 august 2021

Peugeot 203-1951, Peugeot Custom fenders -Peugeot custom pickup. 4

the grippers in action, I would not have managed to connect the panels together without these miracle clamps, they are absolutely brilliant.


vineri, 27 august 2021

Peugeot 203-1951, Peugeot Custom fenders -Peugeot custom pickup. 3


Forming( Stump shrinking) the front side  for this fenders as difficult as it seemed at first, so easily it unfolded along the way..."be careful and do not hurry, check twice ,periodically"this phrase I stored well in my mind, and kept along the way