joi, 12 iunie 2014

My old friend Bully & sweet youth Presa Canario

11 years Bull-Terrier and 2,5 month Presa Canario.
Two different characters, same color! I think it is meant to be that way, everything in life happens for and with a reason...  this two are among my joys.
Thank you Ciprian Varvaroi and Ioana Emilia from CarpatCan Kennel !

miercuri, 11 iunie 2014

Harley Davidson- Road king leather saddle hand crafted

Hand made Pan, hand forged stainless steel rail, cooper logo, cooper rivets, lovely  brawn leather, hand stitched 1 mm  wax thread... and a blue Bike (Bison)!
Nnice combination my friend, and...

 ...thank you!

Z bar

25,54 mm, 86 cm max opening, 30 cm hight...

marți, 3 iunie 2014

Yamaha Virago 250 custom -blue wings.

Achievement that would not have been, without a proper and free open collaboration.
Thank you!
Step by step it can be seen here:

or just search here in the blog "metal work"