luni, 23 octombrie 2023

review Harley Davidson Sportster club style seat

In the link below, images of the saddle before, during and after the modifications

Two tone Italian leather Anthracite black and cognac brown, imposant and elagant

comfortable by adding foam with the  density corresponding to the requirements, a higher backrest for a better and safer piloting position.... that false impression that a short backrest leaves, of falling or throwing backwards.

joi, 12 octombrie 2023

Harley Davidson Sporster gas tank cover


In the end, the gas tank cover ( is what we intended to be, after to many hours wasted with the execution of the mold, many hours of work from the painter (this happens when you test for the first time), with the help of the Protagonist and the owner MMăndiţa Costaalias @shesditz of this great clip (thank you very much) we present the gas tank cover dedicated for H.D SPORTSTER.
Intr-un final, masca de rezervor
( este ceea ce ne-am propus să fie,asta după multe ore pierdute cu execuția matriței, ore cu execuția,multe ore de muncă din partea vopsitorului (dacă esti pe aici imi cer iertare că nu am acordat mai multă atenție finisărilor finale) ), cu ajutorul Protagonistei,proprietarei motocicletei si acestui clip grozav Măndiţa Costa( multumim tare mult, pe acesat cale) va prezentam masca de rezervor dedicata H.D SPORSTER.

before :


miercuri, 11 octombrie 2023

Custom steel front fender 21" -90x90, Hand formed 21" steel fender

 How is made!

In order to make this fender so narrow , you have to put a lot of stretching in there, a lot of repeating steps stretched- leveled up, again and again, until you reached the desired curvature longitudinal and transversal

Pentru a face acest tip de aripă, atât de îngustă, trebuie repetat procedeul de ”intindere- nivelare” de nenumarate ori(am si pierdut numaratoarea la un moment dat), până când se obține curbura dorită, atit longitudinală cit și transversală.

marți, 3 octombrie 2023

Harley Davidson Road King or Electra glide?

At the base it's a Harley Davidson Road King saddle transformed to look, as a line, as the shape of the H.D Electra Glide, so the foam was remodeled,on the back area , pattern was redesigned, reupholstered with two types of Eco leather (vinyl dedicated for motorbikes) one slightly embossed, the other semi-perforated, double stitching diamonds  with dark green thread.

 La baza este o șa de Harley-Davidson Road King  transformată să arate, ca linie,ca forma cu ceea de H.D  Electra Glide, ca atare s-a remodelat buretele pe zona de spate a șeii ,reproiectat tiparul de croi ,retapițată cu doua tipuri de piele eco( vinyl dedicat pt. moto)unul  ușor reliefat ,celălalt semiperforat,   cusătura dubla in romburi cu ață de culaore verde inchis.

 #harleydavidson #harleyseats #electraglide #electraglideclassic #electraglidestandard #electraglideultraclassic #electraglideultralimited #roadking #roadkingcustom #roadkingclassic #roadkingspecial #roadkingclassic #roadkingspecial114