duminică, 3 februarie 2013

Braiding leathear bag

Leather bag sewn by hand, using the method of braiding, with leather cord. A total of 17 m of leather cord that was cut by hand. Leather itself is strengthened, the inner select chosen on the same note of color with the outside, equipped with a snug 4,5 cm thick.
Magnetic locking through priming, shoulder strap sewn manually. 30x25x10cm

magnetic locking through priming, shoulder strap sewn manually. 30x25x10cm

Geanta de piele cusută manual prin împletire, cu şnur de piele tăiat manual. În total s-a folosit 17 m de şnur de piele.
Pielea este întărită, interior select ales pe aceiaşi notă de culoare cu exteriorul, prevăzut cu un separeu de 4,5 cm grosime.
Închidere prin capsă magnetică, curea de umăr cusută manual. 30x25x10 cm

sâmbătă, 2 februarie 2013

interview-the man behind the scenes



Many thanks to my good friend George dWrenchED who made possible this interview, clip to reach the eyes and ears of the people
I may not show or express myself clear HOW I SHOULDBUT 
I'm very Grateful for what you did.