This year has been a full one, of spending, of course!
After driving for 24 hours continually, my Christmas gift is at home, at safe place.
Many thanks to my friend for help, without which today I would not have wrote here, and in the Oyama's Garage would have remained that empty.
On this occasion I would like to bring many thanks to all of you, I do what I do, thanks to you, challenges, sigh, admiration, ...thank you! to you my watcher!
It is inappropriate way to attaching this pictures to greetings on Christmas Day,
I beg your pardon, I wanted only to share with you my joy.
MERRY Christmas!
Anul acesta a fost unul plin, DE cheltuieli, evident!
După un drum de 24 de ore continuu, cadoul meu de Crăciun e acasă.
Mii de mulţumiri bunului meu prieten pentru ajutor, fără de care azi nu aş fi scris aici, în garaj ar fi rămas şi acum acel gol.
Cu aceasta ocazie doresc să vă adresez mii de mulţumiri, vouă tuturor, ceea ce fac, e datorita vouă, datorită provocărilor, încurajărilor, admiraţie... vă mulţumesc! Îţi mulţumesc ţie privitorului!
Vă doresc un Crăciun călduros şi Fericit!
Congratulation for your Christmas new toy!
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you! It is probably the most beautiful Christmas present so far.
RăspundețiȘtergereNeeds a capital review before I put it to work, but it's "HOME" and that's the most important.