Here we are again... another challenge.
The biggest challenge was getting radius of curvature at the top bar, has been carried out manually, by heating ,pull, again and again until he came out as required.
And it has been a challenge! To the nerves! After it has been welded completely, I had to cut and shortened in height, so it has been claimed, that this way we obey... but how? How do I do not destroy all the work done until then... Well! see during the last images.
O altă temă, o altă provocare, execuţia unui ghidon, ciudat ca formă, aş putea spune chiar radical, nu-i nimic, ador provocările, cu cât e mai complicat, cu atât mai bine. Partea nasoalp a fost atunci când ghidonul era gata finalizat, sudurile închise chiar şi la gusee, s-a dorit scurtarea lui!
Dar cum să fac asta să nu-mi stric toată munca de pâna atunci?... Ei bine!
Se vede în ultima imagine...
Vă sunt dator cu o explicaţie.
I am always amazed by your work. It is a shame we are so far apart. I would really like to visit your workshop. Take care, Chris
RăspundețiȘtergereYou are a gentleman! thank you for beautiful words! I honestly don't have much to see, it's only the man in the workshop who comes with creation... hahaha. Take my word that you have more tools like me.
RăspundețiȘtergereCreation and imagination,are on the first place , to you, that's for sure !