marți, 24 septembrie 2013

Custom Harley Davidson XLH 1200 '92 -FOR SALE

A stock bike turned into a hard tail old schooll -bobber 
hard tail made ​​by
springer front end, rear fender, handlebar Indian style  all hand made ​​ by (self-praise).
Electrical installation, assembly of all parts made BY  Go Racing.

For more information please Contact

vineri, 20 septembrie 2013

hand-made fat spokes

I rather say chubby!
First attempt-two approaches, 5 failures, a single successfull... I will need to complete the remaining 71 pieces....... weekend is long!
Prima tentativă - două abordări, cinci eşecuri, o singură reuşită... vor urma restul de 71 de bucăţi.
Week-end-ul e lung!

first attempt.

too short the curve 

second attempt- flat head, nice curved, just perfect! 

Adăugaţi o legendă
thread on the other end, one is ready from the 72 ....

şi, într-un final, după mai bine de 3 săptămâni avem şi niple

miercuri, 18 septembrie 2013

heavy duty custom hubs - mild steel

hubs face and back made from steel, mild, welding and then re-calibrated the flanges disc brake and disc spokes. We use MIG weld.
Appear to be heavy, are heavy, yeah! Not so heavy as I expected. 

Next! Handmade spokes.

butuci faţă, spate confectionaţi din oţel, strunjiţi, sudat şi recalibrat flanşele de prindere disc frână şi spiţe.
par a fi grei, sunt grei, dar nu aşa de grei precum mă aşteptam.
va urma confecţionarea spitelor care vor fi şi ele confecţionate tot manual.