vineri, 27 februarie 2015

Rucasac în stil militar - outdoor

Rucsac fabricat din materiale românești - foaie de cort militar românesc, textil impermeabil românesc, piele românească, catarame românești, ață, mână de lucru românească, cusutură combinată - manuală şi mecanic Deci!!! Produs în România!

joi, 19 februarie 2015

TIG torch holder

In a moment of respite, with a bit of inspiration I did some shiny art... (I do not consider myself an artist)
 TIG torch holder, kinda original, practically for sure, and a lot of FUN to made:
"I beg you" hold my torch!

miercuri, 18 februarie 2015

Harley-Davidson Sportster Left Side Saddle Bag and tool box

Made entirely by hand, Hand sewn with waxed thread of 1.2 mm, the leather is chemically treated to the  surface 4,5-5 mm thick, anti-humidity, hard as a rock. To order please send email...

duminică, 8 februarie 2015

Rabbit ear handlebars

97cm opening, 17 cm hight, 15cm pull back, 22mm hand controls and risers.

miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2015

Toiletry bag leather & military cotton

Toiletry bag for men, made from leather and Romanian military cotton, a material with a very dense fabric, very good quality, size 50x30 cm open, stainless steel hanger, hand made, hand sewing all leather parts, and the fabric with a -100 years old sewing machine...