vineri, 27 februarie 2015

Rucasac în stil militar - outdoor

Rucsac fabricat din materiale românești - foaie de cort militar românesc, textil impermeabil românesc, piele românească, catarame românești, ață, mână de lucru românească, cusutură combinată - manuală şi mecanic Deci!!! Produs în România!

joi, 19 februarie 2015

TIG torch holder

In a moment of respite, with a bit of inspiration I did some shiny art... (I do not consider myself an artist)
 TIG torch holder, kinda original, practically for sure, and a lot of FUN to made:
"I beg you" hold my torch!

miercuri, 18 februarie 2015

Harley-Davidson Sportster Left Side Saddle Bag and tool box

Made entirely by hand, Hand sewn with waxed thread of 1.2 mm, the leather is chemically treated to the  surface 4,5-5 mm thick, anti-humidity, hard as a rock. To order please send email...

duminică, 8 februarie 2015

Rabbit ear handlebars

97cm opening, 17 cm hight, 15cm pull back, 22mm hand controls and risers.

miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2015

Toiletry bag leather & military cotton

Toiletry bag for men, made from leather and Romanian military cotton, a material with a very dense fabric, very good quality, size 50x30 cm open, stainless steel hanger, hand made, hand sewing all leather parts, and the fabric with a -100 years old sewing machine...

luni, 26 ianuarie 2015


I wish to thank you all, that you trust valuables of historical significance on my hands, I feel honored, thank you for your trust, I promise not to disappoint.
The subject  is a gas tank one of the few and rare motorcycle CZ 175 "37. A short period of time
in its time of glory was the motorcycle that accompanied the Pope in convoy street.
The gas tank is composed from two parts, the lower part is the one that  I had to rebuild  and ''re-welded" to the top section. A small project with a major interest, was a pleasure, as I actually enjoy of any old thing that I revive.