sâmbătă, 6 iulie 2013

Camera Leather Strap-zenit ET

Camera leather strap adjustable from two buckles, the top is curved to sit snugly on the wearer's neck.
Personally I adore these cameras, mine is an older model Zenit E, I did my "apprenticeship" in the photograph with that camera, provide with a photo-sensitive cell in the front and hand driving mechanics, you do not depend on any energy source, it make some memorable photos, and I still use the camera in this days in full digital era,  sensitivity of the film, grain, the texture of paper they all have a charm that will bring up pleasant memories when you see and re-seen the images taken in the past.

miercuri, 3 iulie 2013

kawasaki vulcan Swing Arm Saddle Bag-left side-brown in water waves

the leather is doubled, has the same face the inside and outside, leather in thickness of 4.5 mm, processed exclusively by hand, hand-sewn with waxed thread of 1,2 mm. bag thickness of 10cm. 
pielea este dublată, are acelaşi aspect atât pe interior cât şi pe exterior, în grosime este de 4,5mm, este lucrată exclusiv manual, cusută manual cu aţă cerată de 1,2mm, grosimea genţii este de 10cm.

vineri, 28 iunie 2013

leather shoulder purse daily use

Leather shoulder purse daily use, in it enters a wallet, two phones, a compact camera, keys to the house, is made ​​of a leather painted with pigment, I'd say a vegetable leather, over time, will acquire very beautiful patina.
Almost seen fiber leather somewhat vascularized, so cool! With this kind of leather it was a pleasure to work.

Borseta de umăr din piele, de zi cu zi, în ea intră un portofel, două telefoane, un aparat foto compact, cheile de la casp, este fpcutp dintr-o piele naturalp, vopsitp cu pigment, aş zice o piele vegetală, în timp va căpăta o patină foarte frumoasă.
Aproape se vede fibra pielii, oarecum vascularizată, cu acest gen de piele a fost o plăcere să lucrez.

Mulţumesc pentru comandă!

round handlebar-on the girder fork

  third attempt..but it came out as desired. 22 mm bar ends, TIG welding, for the first time!!!.... in other words, a project that has brought me many satisfactions, it was a pleasure!