marți, 26 martie 2013

Springer Front End fork

Word before.
This way I want to thank the one who appealed to my services and I am grateful for the chance, for trusting, and given me this opportunity.
I'm also grateful to all those who have called to my services, those whom I have served, you need to know that it's a unique pleasurable sensation, emotional, accomplishment, when I know that you are more than just satisfied.
I am aware that the work takes longer than expected, but that's it! a well done job only so it can get,can be done.
Enough for the moment whith "pupincurismele", (ass-kisses) - it's just a metaphor!
Springer fork front end, only steel was usedcold rolled pipe 5mm and 4mm wall, 15mm steel sheet, bronze bushings, hardened steel pivot axle, front wheel axle from a planetary shaft
Bolts with high quenching. Unfinished!

joi, 14 martie 2013

leathear bag-vintage look-semi bloody vintage.2

It was a pleasant encounter with this pattern, with some small changes compared to previous such as width, catching the strap the rest is the same nice vintage look. Final finish is exceptional given the manual dyeing with bright red paint (red Ferrari is called) on a black base, applied in layers until I got this nice color.

Inside is reinforced with... a semisintetic leather (the base is leather - on one side is treated chemically) which gives better stability and stiffness.

A fost o reîntâlnire plăcută cu acest model, cu unele mici modificări faţă de precedenta cum ar fi  lăţimea, prinderea curelei, în rest e acelaşi aspect vintage.
Piiele de o calitate deosebită, finisajul final excepţional este dat de vopsirea manuală cu vopsea de culoare roşu aprins (roşu Ferrari se numeşte) pe o bază neagră, aplicată în straturi până am obţinut această culoare. Înteriorul este întărit cu o piele semisintetică (baza este piele, pe o parte este tratată chimic) care conferă o stabilitate şi rigiditate aparte. 

miercuri, 6 martie 2013


 It's not completely SEWN in order to enter the sand in it.